Celebrate 20 years
of Camp Kerr Lake
Join Us in May
Please join us May 25, 2025 from 4-7pm in celebrating our 20 years of ministry together at Camp Kerr Lake. We’ll enjoy a catered Smithfield Chicken and BBQ (SCNB) meal
with all the fixins ($5 donation per person requested), some great Christian music and worship, a nostalgic photo slideshow, and a few “short” testimonies recalling some of the Camp’s milestones.
RSVP’s are requested prior to May 1, 2025.
To RSVP, scan the QR Code or CLICK HERE.
Fill out the form and let us know how many can attend. On this form there is an opportunity to preorder a CKL 20th Anniversary T-Shirt. After the form is submitted an invoice will be sent out.
And, oh, by the way, we’re not done yet! We have some exciting plans for expanding both facilities and programming in the future that we’ll be sharing with you during our testimony time. We’re confident that you’ll want to continue to be a vital part of this Christ-centered, family-focused ministry.